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We operate under the philosophy of Zero. Pretty much, you rate your space the same way you’d rate your pain at the doctor. Zero means everything feels pretty good! Maybe you’d like to lose a few pounds or you have a slight case of heartburn but you honestly have no idea why you’re even at the doctor. 10 though? You’re actively being mauled by a bear.

Because honestly? Your house? It IS the bear. It can be friendly and snuggly. Graceful and majestic. Flat out breathtaking at times. Calm and fully controlled. You really can’t believe you’re lucky enough to have it in your life! But it’ll turn on ya’ in a heartbeat.

Zero allows us to more accurately gauge the state of your house/ life than just speaking in terms of organized versus messy. Because seriously, it’s not that cut and dry.

Our goal is to establish Zero in your space. It may not be your dream space (Remember that heartburn from the doctor?) but it feels pretty damn good and there’s not a bear in sight.



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BRENNA PEYTON, Founder (Some days I’m in charge)


I have ALWAYS loved organizing. My idea of a fun time in high school was to clean out my best friend’s closet when I was bored. In my first career as a teacher, my middle schoolers had mandatory backpack clean outs and binder checks! These days I make my friends hand over their purses! Some might call that a misdemeanor but I call it “These 17 Costco receipts and 6 tubes of busted Chapsticks are TRASH. AND DID THIS GOOEY THING USED TO BE AN APPLE?!” BASICALLY what I’m saying is – I enjoy what I do and have a talent for making order out of chaos. 

More than anything though, I get how important your home and family are. I know, from deep down in my soul, that your family and your home are the very heart of who you are and that all you really want out of life is more time, space and energy to enjoy both of those things. I also know that some days you’d rather set your house on fire than deal with the chaos that awaits you there. And you know those daydreams you’ve had about being single, no family, no friends…just a beach, a cold drink and some eye candy at your beck and call? I know all about those too. I get that day to day life can be overwhelming. Even the good things in life. ESPECIALLY the good things in life. My passion is figuring out solutions so you can live with less chaos, resentment, anxiety and panic. In short, life without the C.R.A.P.

OOG One Organized Girl One Organized Guy DBL OG DBLOG One Organized Girl Nashville One Organized Guy Nashville OOG Nashville DBL OG Nashville O.O.G. O.O.G. Nashville

Devin Thompson, Vice President (Other days, I’m in charge)


All I’ve ever wanted out of a career is to do something that legitimately helps people. That changes their daily life in a way that literally changes their daily life. Turns out, closet resets, garage clean outs and managing the unfun parts of life- effing smoke detector batteries- are my mediums! (Just so you know, I was as surprised by this career development as you probably are. One day you think you’re helping a buddy for the day and the next some lady is telling you to quit your “real” job. Effective immediately!) I’m so passionate about what we do because it’s more than just creating order amidst chaos. It’s about being able to come into a client’s life and make a tangible difference in their day-to-day lifestyle. That’s the best part about this funny business. I don’t care what you are, who you are, or how you are – you and your family are getting the best of me. If there was one thing I’d want all of our clients to know it’s this – your house isn’t as messy as you think it is…there’s always a worse one out there.  

And for all the guys out there looking for help with organizing or room flipping or not being out maneuvered in a remodel by your wife, I got you, bro.

OOG One Organized Girl One Organized Guy DBL OG DBLOG One Organized Girl Nashville One Organized Guy Nashville OOG Nashville DBL OG Nashville O.O.G. O.O.G. Nashville
OOG One Organized Girl One Organized Guy DBL OG DBLOG One Organized Girl Nashville One Organized Guy Nashville OOG Nashville DBL OG Nashville O.O.G. O.O.G. Nashville

Rob Waltson

Brings positive energy | True Jack of all trades | Makes sure Nerf guns are locked and loaded | Doer of things that make the rest of us dry heave | Will probably leave something at your house

OOG One Organized Girl One Organized Guy DBL OG DBLOG One Organized Girl Nashville One Organized Guy Nashville OOG Nashville DBL OG Nashville O.O.G. O.O.G. Nashville

Jacob Worsley

Bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice | Skilled at removing “evidence” from your vehicle, your deck, your driveway… | Man of few words but MANY thoughts (at least in front of clients) Easily makes friends with dogs | Down for pretty much anything



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Seriously. Fill out the form below. Sixty minutes, tops. No charge. No obligation. Just invite us over and we’ll go from there.
