Picture this. 

Your eyes flutter open.

Still nestled in your cozy bed, you realize today isn’t just an ordinary day. You realize today is…special.

You almost feel… Huh.  You’re not sure.  It’s been years since you’ve felt this way.

Is it?

Could it be?

Are you motivated?

Your heart starts to pound. Yes!  YES! You’re motivated. REALLY motivated. So motivated that you wonder for a split second if you’ve been body snatched. As you briefly ponder what body snatching even means, you pinch yourself to make sure this isn’t some cruel dream. 

All at once, the craziest idea hits you. THIS is the day you’ve been waiting for. Been praying for. This is the day you’re finally gonna tackle your—cue dramatic music—OFFICE. 

Well, no one in your family actually calls it an office anymore. It’s actually known as “The Room You Throw Yourself in Front of If Company Shows Up Before You Can Slam the Door.” 

But today is the day. THE. DAY! It’s organizing day, baby! (Please tell us you heard that in Joey Tribbiani’s voice! “It’s London, baby!”)

You leap out of bed, shoving children and pets out of your way. You’re ready! You’re finally ready! Sprinting through the house, you smell victory in the air.

You’re gonna show your office who’s boss today. No longer will it mock you. No longer will it hold 250 square feet of your home hostage. 

Those craft and office supplies, piles of paperwork, broken toys, outdated phones, and discarded purses? Well, by the end of the day they’ll be begging you for mercy along with all the other crap you’ve tossed in there for the past six months. 

Before your family can distract you, you’ve barricaded yourself inside. A chair is shoved under the door knob because your youngest has an uncanny ability to pick locks.  You pause to catch your breath.

You’ve got everything you need. Motivation. Heart. Determination. Your right hand reaches out for the light switch. You take one more deep breath and smile broadly in the shadowed room. THIS. IS. IT.


The light flickers a moment as your body turns to survey your future conquest. Finally, the battlefield is bathed in light. Your pupils dilate. Your nostrils flare. 

And you realize you have absolutely no freakin’ idea where to start. 

Shoulders that were straight and proud begin to slump in defeat. Tears fill your eyes. Panic, that rat bastard, begins to flood your chest. Negative thoughts? You’re drowning in them. You slowly slide down the wall to your knees.

The day?

The day is ruined. 

Sound familiar? 

Motivation flattened.  Heart broken.  Soul sucked clean of joy.

Wanna know a secret? 

We’ve got the solution.  And it’s simple.  We mean SIMPLE simple. 

You ready?

Before you can even begin to think about how you’re gonna organize any space in your home, before you start making any decisions about what to keep and how to store it,  you’ve got to get like-items together.  

THAT’S IT! That’s the secret that’s gonna change your life!


Now let us tell you how it works.

First, you get some bankers boxes, painter’s tape, and a Sharpie.  Those are the ONLY supplies you need before you start your project. You hear us?  Don’t go buyin’ anything else yet!

(It’s okay if you have questions.  We always have questions.  Check out this more in depth take on why you only need those three items.)

Next, Put your bankers boxes together.  And honestly?  This is gonna be the most frustrating part of the whole process.  They will make you cuss. 

Third, Rip off some painters tape, stick a strip to each box, and start labeling. Your labels will differ depending on what room you’re working in, but there are a few categories you can pretty much count on regardless of location.

  • paperwork
  • tech
  • office supplies
  • crafty stuff
  • toiletries
  • décor
  • keepsake

Now, Well, now all you’ve gotta do is pick up the first thing you see and put it in the correct box. Then pick up the second and do the same thing. Then the third and the fourth…see where this is going? 

That’s.  All.  You. Do.

Don’t overthink it. Don’t go trying to make decisions. Just. Sort.

We’re not trying to blow sunshine. Depending on the amount of crap you’ve gotta sort, the process may not be short. You might get tired. You might get frustrated.  You’ll probably need a snack and then yes, you might have to poop.

But you’re doing it. YOU’RE. DOING. IT. 

Sorting like items together? It takes away the fear. It takes away the paralysis. And more importantly, it sets you up for success later on.

Not quite sure you believe us? Don’t worry; we don’t take offense. Just check out Seven Reasons Why Sorting Works. And please! PLEASE reach out to us. We’d love to hear from ya’!